Thank you very much for installing Ultimate File Manager! The project was born out of the need to create a tool that will make working on the computer easier. The tool, that will allow you to perform any task in a simple and thoughtful way. The tool, that will be consistent and modern. The tool, that will look how I want and do what I want. I hope it suits You as well. It is thanks to You that I have continued to develop this project, despite many obstacles. I learned a lot, spent thousands of hours to make it better. Thank you for your trust and choosing my software. I sincerely hope (and maybe even sure) that Ultimate File Manager serves you well in all tasks (from the simplest to the most complex). I hope, dear user, that you could have completed each task faster and better by focusing on doing your job, not the tool.

Ultimate File Manager project is free and always will be! It is created with passion and commitment - for You. I hope it serves you and does what it is supposed to do. It is created in my free time. I do spend a lot of time trying to make it better (it cost me also my own financial resources). Please, remember this - if you can afford it and use the effects of my work - please DONATE! Your support, even a small amount, can make a difference.

If you have any comments, suggestions for changes or found any problem, please notify me. Maybe you know some interesting and functional plugin? Maybe you would like me to implement some functionality? Do not hesistate - Ultimate File Manager is for You! Together we can make this project even better.

Ultimate File Manager 12.3 is a minor release (fixes many problems). Let me remind you, that starting with UFM 12, only Windows 10/11 systems in 64-bit architecture are supported. Yes, it was high time to abandon 32-bit architecture (currently most processors are made in 64-bit architecture, and new computers are sold with 64-bit operating systems). Ultimate File Manager usage statistics also show marginal use of the 32-bit version.

But what does a 64-bit system actually mean. What benefits does it bring and what does it change?

64-bit architecture (called x86-64, AMD64 or x64) is a computer architecture in which words, addresses and other data fit in 64 bits of memory. It is an extension of the x86 architecture mainly with 64-bit instructions and registers. It also allows 16-bit and 32-bit x86 code to be executed directly. In short, the 64-bit architecture offers:

  • More performance:
    • 64-bit wide registers (which allows for more data to be processed at once, and therefore faster math and logic operations)
    • More general-purpose registers (which reduces the need for RAM and increases performance)
  • Increased memory address space:
    • Support for more RAM (significantly more than the 4 GB RAM limit for 32-bit systems).
    • Better application performance (memory-intensive applications such as video editing, 3D modeling, and databases perform much better)
  • Better computational precision:
    • More precise floating-point operations (important in science, engineering, and computer graphics)
    • Greater accuracy of mathematical operations (wider registers allow for greater precision, reducing the risk of rounding errors)
  • Compatibility with 32-bit software:
    • Compatibility mode (the ability to run older 32-bit applications)
    • Easier migration (moving from a 32-bit system does not require replacing all software)
  • New mechanisms and technologies:
    • Better kernel protection mechanisms (e.g. NX bit (No-eXecute), which helps protect against buffer overflow attacks)
    • Better support for virtualization technologies (which allows multiple operating systems to run on one physical computer)

Basically, Ultimate File Manager can only be installed on the latest Windows operating systems. This refers to Windows 10 and the latest Windows 11. All other systems are not supported and are not recommended (although you can still install Ultimate File Manager on Windows Vista/7/8x).

Abandoning the 32-bit architecture required a lot of changes and work. The result is optimized code, a much smaller installer size, and overall faster performance (at least in theory). A special NSIS build that supports 64-bit was used to build the UFM installer. All 64-bit internal UFM applications are written and compiled in the Embarcadero Delphi Community Edition development environment. Most external applications distributed with the Ultimate File Manager are 64-bit (only some of them are still 32-bit, and unfortunately this will not change).

Latest version of Ultimate File Manager has fixed MANY fundamental problems and bugs! This primarily concerns the installer and internal applications of the project. Corrected invalid registry entries, improved behavior of the installer in Update mode (the ability to continue installation or the ability to uninstall a version already installed). Windows Shell Extensions library (UFMShell.dll) has also been improved - I remind you that in Windows 11 you need to expand the context menu (Show more options) to access commands. Unfortunately - again, due to fundamental changes in the project, a so-called clean installation is required (the older version of the Ultimate File Manager must be uninstalled first). Sorry.

Latest version of Ultimate File Manager focuses on the internal applications of the project. There is a new application UFM Time Manager (still in beta). UFM Time Manager is an application that allows you to instantly change Date and Time of multiple files by a specific value (Creation/Last Write/Last Access). Just select files in left (or right) panel of your File Manager or in both panels at the same time. The program can be useful when you want to change the date and time of a file by a specified value - a good example is correcting the time of taking photos by a digital camera whose internal clock was not set correctly. This version fully supports Multi Commander File Manager. If the user has not selected any file on the list, he will be able to do it manually. He can also select a directory with files.

Another application is UFM System Manager. This application is still in the early stages of development and requires a lot of work - it allows you to run tools and services of the Windows operating system and selected utilities from external vendors (e.g. Microsoft Sysinternals Suite).

Basically, all internal applications of the project have been updated. Especially the application checking the project update (UFM Updater) and the application allowing to set the project options (UFM Settings). Note: in dual file manager mode there are still problems with saving settings - it will be fixed in the next version. Another attempt was made to unify the applications. The UFM AppInfo application was removed from the project (its function is performed by the UFM Settings application) and the UFM NewDir application was renamed to UFM Directory Manager (in the future this application will have more changes).

External applications and Total Commander file manager plugins (CudaLister oraz Imagine) have been updated to the latest versions.

Basic Usage Statistics 2023 | 2024 for Ultimate File Manager project are also available. Ultimate File Manager project statistics are based on anonymous data reported by the UFM installer during installation on user's disk. These are basic data about the installation, on the basis of which the direction of further development of the project is determined.


ULTIMATE FILE MANAGER 12.3 [01.02.2025]
  • New: UFM Time Manager (Full Support for Multi Commander)
  • New: UFM Time Manager (Support for manual file selection)
  • New: UFM Time Manager (Support for files in directories)
  • New: UFM System Manager (Alpha) Internal Application
  • Fixed: Uninstaller Finish Page (Reboot Mode)
  • Fixed: Previous UFM Version Uninstallation via Installer
  • Fixed: UFM Installation Registry Data (for Uninstaller)
  • Fixed: UFM Shell Extension Library
  • Misc: Total Commander/Multi Commander (improved data handling)
  • Misc: MANY improvements and fixes to UFM Internal applications

  • Updated: Notepad++
  • Updated: AIMP
  • Updated: WinMerge
  • Updated: AutoHotkey (MEGAPack)
  • Updated: HWiNFO 8.20.5640.0 (MEGAPack)
  • Updated: Krita (MEGAPack)
  • Updated: System Informer 3.2.25011.2103 (MEGAPack)
  • Updated: TeamViewer (MEGAPack)
  • Updated: VeraCrypt (MEGAPack)
  • Updated: WizTree (MEGAPack)

  • Updated: CudaLister (WLX Plugin)
  • Updated: Imagine (WLX Plugin)

  • Misc: Applications updates and bug fixes
  • Misc: Updated Internal Build Tools
  • Misc: Updated Language Files
  • Misc: Updated Online Help System
  • Misc: General Tweaks, Improvements and Optimizations

Ultimate File Manager support Portable and Normal Installation (integration with system). Normal installation is performed in the context of the current user. The project files have been separated into two directories, depending on their purpose.

  • Executable files directory (%ProgramFiles%\UFM)
    • BIN Directory - UFM project binary (exe) files
    • LIB Directory - UFM project library (dll) files
    • Executable files - UFM project internal applications files
    • Text files - license file, log file and directory settings file
  • User files directory (%LocalAppData%\UFM)
    • APPS Directory - UFM project external applications files
    • CACHE Directory - cache image files
    • LOG Directory - installatioin log files
    • MC Directory - Multi Commander file manager files
    • TC Directory - Total Commander file manager files
    • TEMPLATES Directory - Templates files (UFM Directory Manager)
    • LANG Directory - UFM project language files
    • DATA Directory - UFM data files (Clipboard)
    • Configuration files - UFM installer and internal applications configuration files

By default, project execution files are installed in the C:\Program Files\UFM directory, and all other files that require data saving are installed in the user's local directory C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Local\UFM.

Ultimate File Manager portable installation copies all files into one directory (the directory must have permission to write files). The default installation directory is C:\Users\User_Name\Desktop\UFM. Portable installation does not interfere with the operating system (does not create shortcuts, links, etc.).