Ultimate File Manager (UFM) is an advanced File Manager distributed with carefully selected and configured freeware applications. The purpose of UFM project is making the best environment to run your favourite applications within one place. Main application of the project is well-known and appreciated Total Commander File Manager (shareware) or its freeware equivalent Multi Commander. UFM lets you manage all of your files and applications in best and simplest way. This properly configured, easy to use and very powerfull environment gives you the best experience, whatever you want to do!

Total Commander Command Line

Ultimate File Manager launcher (UFM.exe or UFM64.exe) can run Total Commander with command line parameters.

Total Commander can be called with one or two directories as command line parameters. This will set these directories in one or both of the file windows. This allows you to create multiple icons for Total Commander in progman or the start menu, which start Total Commander in different directories or even with packed files. Furthermore a different ini file than the default wincmd.ini can be specified to allow multiple users on the same machine to have different settings in Total Commander.


UFM.exe [/O] [/N] [Drive1:\Directory1 [Drive2:\Directory2]] [/i=name.ini] [/f=ftpname.ini]


UFM.exe [/O] [/N] [/L=Drive1:\Directory1] [/R=Drive2:\Directory2] [/i=name.ini] [/f=ftpname.ini]

Parameter Action
Drive:\Directory Loads the first directory passed to Total Commander into the left window, and the second into the right window. Directory names containing spaces must be put in double quotes! Always specify the full path name including the drive! To open a stored FTP connection, use FTPOPEN stored_ftp_name as path.
/O If Total Commander is already running, activate it and pass the path(s) in the command line to that instance (overrides the settings in the configuration dialog to have multiple windows)
/N Opens in any case a new Total Commander window (overrides the settings in the configuration dialog to allow only one copy of Total Commander at a time)
/L= Set path in left window
/R= Set path right window
/A When an archive file is passed as path, do not open it, but instead open the directory containing the archive and set the archive as the active file (place the text cursor on it)
/S Interprets the passed dirs as source/target instead of left/right (for usage with /O). For example, a dir passed with /R= will be interpreted as the target dir.
/S=C Start „Compare by content” without TC main window, e.g. UFM.exe /S=C c:\file1 d:\file2
/S=F Open „Find Files” dialog without TC main window, e.g. UFM.exe /S=F „c:\start path”. Accepts additional parameters separated by a colon, e.g. /S=F:S1Lname
S - Sort results by: 1=name, 2=extension, 3=size, 4=date/time. Negative value for descending order
L<x> - As LAST parameter: Load search with name , e.g. „/S=F:Lmax 1 day old”
/S=L Start Lister directly, pass file name to it for viewing (requires full name including path). May include bookmark in html files, e.g. c:\test\test.html#bookmark. Accepts additional parameters separated by a colon, e.g. /S=L:AT1C1250
A - ANSI/Windows text
S - ASCII/DOS text
V - Variable width text
T1..T7 - View mode 1-7 (1: Text, 2: Binary, 3: Hex, 4: Multimedia, 5: HTML, 6:Unicode, 7: UTF-8)
C<nr> - Codepage, e.g. C1251 for Cyrillic
N - Auto-detect, but no multimedia or plugins allowed
P<x> - As LAST parameter: Choose plugin, e.g. /S=L:Piclview for iclview plugin (As shown in Lister title)
/S=P:PORT Start a parallel or USB port server for direct cable connection (Use LPT1 or USB as port names)
/S=S Start „Synchronize dirs” directly, accepts two paths as parameters, or alternatively a settings name in the form /S=S:SettingsName If the parameter begins with an equal sign „=”, e.g. /S=S:=SettingsName, the comparison will start immediately. If the equal sign is the only parameter, e.g. /S=S:= , the comparison will start with the passed directories and last used options.
/O=list_name Only combined with /S=S: Passes list file for function „Only selected (in main window)”, e.g. /O=%F
/T Opens the passed dir(s) in new tab(s). Now also works when Total Commander hasn't been open yet.
/P= Sets the active panel at program start: /P=L left, /P=R right. Overrides wincmd.ini option ActiveRight=.
/i=name.ini Use a different INI file name.ini instead of wincmd.ini to save settings (see also: INI file description).
/F=ftpname.ini Use a different INI file name.ini instead of wcx_ftp.ini to save settings for built-in FTP client.
/d= Delays the start of Total Commander by seconds (meant for the startup folder, if there are problems with other programs, which start at the same time)
/INSTALLDRIVER (Windows NT-based systems) Install parallel port driver - only needed if you want to use the parallel port connection as a normal user and not as an administrator. Needs to be run as an administrator.
/INSTALLDRIVERQ Like /INSTALLDRIVER, but silent installation
/REMOVEDRIVER (Windows NT-based systems) Removes the driver installed with the switch /INSTALLDRIVER
/REMOVEDRIVERQ Like /REMOVEDRIVER, but silent removal

The switches are NOT case sensitive


Command Line Action
UFM.exe c:\windows left window is loaded with c:\windows
UFM.exe d:\data c:\programs left: d:\data, right: c:\programs
UFM.exe /R=d:\data right window: d:\data
UFM.exe "d:\Letters to Mr. Smith" left: long name -> in double quotes!
UFM.exe /R="d:\Letters from Miller" right window loaded with long name
UFM.exe c:\data\ opens in the left window
UFM.exe /I=Miller.ini /F=MFtp.ini use Miller.ini instead of wincmd.ini for all settings, and MFtp.ini for
UFM.exe /O /L=c:\ /R="d:\doc" Activate already running Total Commander and set the left path to c:\, and the right path to d:\doc
UFM.exe /O /S /R=c:\somepath Open c:\somepath in the current TARGET panel of the running program. Explanation: /S causes Total Commander to read /L as source and /R as target directory instead of left and right.
UFM.exe /O /T /L=c:\somepath Open a new directory tab on the left side of the already running Total commander with c:\somepath in it.

Multi Commander Command Line

Ultimate File Manager launcher (UFM.exe or UFM64.exe) can run Multi Commander with command line parameters.

Multi Commander can be started with some command line parameters.

Parameter Action
-L=<path> Path to show in the left panel
-R=<path> Path to show in the right panel
-F=<startup.ini> Startup definition file that contains startup properties for the path to show. The startup file specifies multiple folders to be shown when Multi Commander opens. Each path will be shown in a separate tab. Path and Side parameters must be specified in the file.






The following parameters are optional:
  • Locked=1|0
  • AllowSubPathChange=1|0
  • ShowTree=1|0
  • SortAsc=1|0
  • SortCol=[column number]
  • TabColorText=#000000
  • TabColorBk=#000000
  • TabColorHotWhenActive=1|0
  • TabColorGradient=1|0
  • ViewMode=1|2|3|4
  • ViewModeListWidth=000
  • ViewModeDetailWidth=000
  • Side=L|R
  • Path=[Full Path]
  • 1|0 means 1 or 0, 1|2|3 means 1 or 2 or 3, and so on.
-T=<Any Text> A Text that will be shown in the caption bar of the Multi Commander window
-AutoRun=<Command> User Defined Command to auto run when started
-NOUPDATECHECK Disable the check for a new version
-TABSESSION=<Name or ID> Name of ID of a saved TabSession that will be loaded at startup

Both - or / are supported for parameters. eg. /L=C:\Bin or -L=C:\Bin

If you want an already-running instance of Multi Commander to go to a path you can use the /OPEN parameter.

This is useful when you have an external program that should tell Multi Commander to go to a specific path or when Multi Commander is running in Single Instance mode. You can also use /QUIT parameter to exit current running instance.

/OPEN /PANEL=Left|Right|Active|Source|Target /NONEWTAB ""


Command Line Action
UFM.exe "C:\Bin" "D:\" If no „-L” or „-R” parameter is specified, the first parameter is assumed to be a path to show in the left panel, and the second to be a path to show in the right panel.
UFM.exe -L="C:\Bin" -R="D:\" Opens file manager with first path in left panel, second one in right panel
UFM.exe -F="AutoStart.ini" Opens file manager with startup properties file for the path to show
UFM.exe -TABSESSION="WorkWithPictures" Opens file manager with given TabSession
UFM.exe -AutoRun=CmdRunStartup Opens file manager with user defined command
UFM.exe /OPEN /PANEL=Right "D:\My Folder\SubFolder" Opens file manager in single instance mode with given path in right panel
UFM.exe /OPEN /PANEL=Left /NONEWTAB "D:\My Folder\SubFolder" Opens file manager in single instance mode with given path in left panel without tabs